Monday, April 15, 2019

Redwoods & Whales — Phil Joel


I first picked up Redwoods & Whales because I liked the title. And because I realized that the author used to be in Newsboys. And also because this book is about "becoming who you actually are." And oh, my friends, I needed to figure myself out.

I knew I was (and still am) a senior in high school, a newbie to college, and a writer. I lead a Bible study for my congregation. I volunteer for a writers' conference and a theatre company.

I knew that I liked how these things make me busy. I knew I didn't like college and I was ready to be done with high school. I also knew that it felt like life was pulling me along on a road I couldn't make out, telling me to get a move on because there's uni ahead! and a job ahead! and a future ahead! and maybe a family/household of my own ahead but ha ha MAYBE NOT! and also there's my life dream of publishing books and living in a cottage in my hometown in the redwoods ahead!

Who was stressed? Yup, definitely me.

But when I cracked open Redwoods & Whales, it was as if all these anxieties were finally set aside.

Professional Reader